ngomong2 simbol2 diatas itu aku copas2 aja looh.*ngaku kan? hehhe
okee,aku mau cerita ttg SUMATIF ku dari tgl 24 nov - 1 des. hari pertama mau menjelang sumatif,aku giat belajar. dan TIDAK ADA ONLINE . Hebaat. hahaha. tapi,begitu hari kedua dan ketiga saya sudah berani online. waaw,ibu saya marah-marah . kan aku tuh kalo sumatif atau uan atau apalah ujian2 gitu,ga boleh online. sekarang pun aku diem2 online,karen ibu saya sedang tidur . hahaha. abis aku kangeen plurk,fb,koprol,dan twiter. aku ga kuat godaan untuk online -.- heem,yauda. hari libur gni aku istirahat dari jam7 pagi sampe 12 siang *pokoknya kalo adzan dzuhur* . selanjutnya, sampe malem,aku harus belajaaaar teruus dan komputer dimatikaaaaan. he,gapapa sih. tapi mau gmna lagi? peraturan itu juga ada baiknya biar aku belajar dan dapat nilai bagus karena bukan cuma ngebanggain ortu,tp ngebanggain kita sendiri. iya kan ? kmren sumatifnya pelajaran matematika. woo,5 soal aku ngasal,tapi mudahan bener. STTB *sistem tebak-tebak berhadiah* hahahha. abis aku gatau caranyaaa. bingung. aku sih udah ngitung,tapi ada yg mendekati,yaudah aku pilih aja jawabannya . o iya,aku ruang 10 loh. kalo sumatif kelas 123 digabung. biar ga adayg contek2an gitu.. hem. eh aku duduk deket pengawas loh. eh,bukan deket tapi DIDEPANNYA. ais,ga enak bgt kan ? kayak serasa diawasi bgt. padahal kan bukan aku aja yg diawasi. trus,minggu depan pelajaranya susah susaaaaah -______- hari senin : bio,sej *asal kalian tau? itu hapalan semuaaaa * . hari selasa : fisika,dan PKN *menurut saya itu pelajaran tersusah di kelas 7 ini* hari rabu : ekonomi *lumayaanlah -.-*hem,yasudah deh,aku mau belajar dlu yaaa. kapankapan aku cerita2 lagi. okey ?
bye !
About me :)
- Miranda Shaqilla Antareztha
- School at YPK JHS. 141197. I love my family and my friend ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ follow my blog. hehe Thanks :D
Sabtu, 27 November 2010
Sabtu, 20 November 2010
PCD - Stickwitu
I don't wanna go another day,
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind.
Seems like everybody's breaking up
Throwing their love away,
But I know I got a good thing right here
That's why I say (Hey)
Nobody gonna love me better
I must stick with you forever.
Nobody gonna take me higher
I must stick with you.
You know how to appreciate me
I must stick with you, my baby.
Nobody ever made me feel this way
I must stick with you.
I don't wanna go another day
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind.
See the way we ride in our private lives,
Ain't nobody getting in between.
I want you to know that you're the only one for me (one for me)
And I say
And now
Ain't nothing else I can need (nothing else I can need)
And now
I'm singing 'cause you're so, so into me.
I got you,
We'll be making love endlessly.
I'm with you (baby, I'm with you)
Baby, you're with me (Baby, you're with me)
So don't you worry about
People hanging around,
They ain't bringing us down.
I know you and you know me
And that's all that counts.
So don't you worry about
People hanging around,
They ain't bringing us down.
I know you and you know me
And that's why I say
I don't wanna go another day,
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind.
Seems like everybody's breaking up
Throwing their love away,
But I know I got a good thing right here
That's why I say (Hey)
Nobody gonna love me better
I must stick with you forever.
Nobody gonna take me higher
I must stick with you.
You know how to appreciate me
I must stick with you, my baby.
Nobody ever made me feel this way
I must stick with you.
I don't wanna go another day
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind.
See the way we ride in our private lives,
Ain't nobody getting in between.
I want you to know that you're the only one for me (one for me)
And I say
And now
Ain't nothing else I can need (nothing else I can need)
And now
I'm singing 'cause you're so, so into me.
I got you,
We'll be making love endlessly.
I'm with you (baby, I'm with you)
Baby, you're with me (Baby, you're with me)
So don't you worry about
People hanging around,
They ain't bringing us down.
I know you and you know me
And that's all that counts.
So don't you worry about
People hanging around,
They ain't bringing us down.
I know you and you know me
And that's why I say
Senin, 15 November 2010
birthday :)
hello !
kemaren,tanggal 14 NOVEMBER 2010 adalah hari ulangtahunku :) di fb,sms,dan barusan banyak yang ngucapin. seneng sih rasanya,hem sedikit cerita nih. tahun lalu,pas aku ultah,ortu ku kan pergi ke bpp,jadi aku di rumah sama mbak ku. dan 4 orang teman yang maumenginap di rumah. paginya,aku kan undang temenku untuk ke rumah,makan2. cowoknya beberapa aku undang juga. nah,pas itu aku lagi punya orang yang istimewa ,kita kasih simbol : (*) . jadi,ia aku undang. pas waktu itu,cewek2nya yg baru dateng. cowoknya belum. terus,kata mereka,"eh mir,cowoknya pada ga bisa dateng nih! ada yg mau main lah,ada yg ga dibolehin,ada yg punya acara,yaah gitu" kalo ga salah,sekitar 5 orang lah cowok yg aku undang. pas itu mukaku koneng,campur bingung,campur sedih. daaaaaaaaaaan.... mereka bilang "(*) juga gak bisa dateng ,mirr. dia bilang sorry ,ga bisa. dia disuruh jaga rumah" DEG DEG! ancuuurr sudaaah. padahal malemnys,dia sms "insya allah dateng" yah,emang siih,dia bilang "insya allah" tapi kan,aku pengen dia deteng. haduuh,perasaanku campur aduk laah. sediiih,gituu. dan saat aku balik belakaang,DUAAR! tepungnya ditumpahkan ke badanku . dan yg lempar tepuung, (*) ! woww,gmna coba rasanya,tebak deh,rasanya tuh kayak misalnya,aku ga lolos seleksi,terus taunya ada kesalahan. ternyata ,aku yang lolos. hahhaa. sedih lgsg seneng. akhirnya kita main tepung. kemudian,kami semuaa masuk rumah. di rumah,mereka kasih kado,kubuka satu2. dari (*) jam tangan,lgsg kupake. *hehehe. banyak lah yg ngasih. 4 cowok lainnya ,ngerekam momment2 ini. waah senangnyaaa. kemudian kami makan2,dan waktunyaa pulaang.yaaah,tapi 4 cewek itu (kiki,afif,saras,intan) nginep di rumahku. heem,udah. gitu aja. seneng... tapi tahun ini ga kalah bagus kok. hadiahnya,untuk tahun ini,anak 7B menang lomba! (y) ya,meskipun aku ga ikut lomba yg menang itu,tapi aku ikut bangga :D ya udah deh,itu aja. eh,kok aku malah nyeritain yg taun lalu ya? hahahaha. gapapa lah ;) ya udah ya,see you next time :)
Jumat, 05 November 2010
*hanya sandiwara belaka*
*hanya sandiwara belaka*
Kelly Clarkson : Because Of You
I will not make the same mistakes that you did I Will not let myself cause my heart so much misery I will not break the way you did You fell so hard I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far Because of you I'll never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side So I don't get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust Not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I lose my way And it's not too long before you point it out I cannot cry Because I know that's weakness in your eyes I'm forced to fake, a smile, a laugh Every day of my life My heart can't possibly break When it wasn't even whole to start with Because of you I'll never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side So I don't get hurt Because of you I find it hard to trust Not only me, but everyone around me Because of you I am afraid I watched you die I heard you cry Every night in your sleep I was so young You should have known better than to lean on me You never thought of anyone else You just saw your pain And now I cry In the middle of the night For the same damn thing Because of you I'll never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side So I don't get hurt Because of you I tried my hardest just to forget everything Because of you I don't know how to let anyone else in Because of you I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty Because of you I am afraid Because of you Because of you
-->lagu diatas bikin aku merinding,jadi pengen nangis setiap denger lagu sma vid.klipnya
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