Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

When the rains come ..

Diposting oleh Miranda Shaqilla Antareztha di 14.45
when rain falls, it reminds me of the handsome vampire Edward Cullen! xD . Edward Cullen and his family could only show themselves when it rains. because, during a sunny day, it seems obvious that they are vampires. they do not want a lot of people who know. then, Isabella Swan confused, why edward few days have not emerged. okay, got here just because it is told very long. oh ya, pray that I be given the opportunity to watch the Breaking Dawn, continued episodes of The Eclipse. but, actually, I know the story. I just want to watch and see the pictures. hehe. was a clear story about Bella and Edward's child. In this movie, they're married! Wow!

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