I know this makes me regret the decision. Because I can not stand still like behavior in young children. during two months, we never the contact, although in our facebook coincided online, but you never invite chat! after that, I told my friend that that I wanted to end this relationship and i please to tell him. we finally have an official to leave one another. in my plurk, you delete a be my friend. recognize when what you plurk it, I'M ! all circumstances, even felt when it was chaotic. I do not know what to do. but I am convinced that this decision is very good for me:)
* But I'm confused, why each end has always been the enemy? why can not become friends or companions? I did not like this part. heeem ..
About me :)
- Miranda Shaqilla Antareztha
- School at YPK JHS. 141197. I love my family and my friend ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ follow my blog. hehe Thanks :D
Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010
When the rains come ..
when rain falls, it reminds me of the handsome vampire Edward Cullen! xD . Edward Cullen and his family could only show themselves when it rains. because, during a sunny day, it seems obvious that they are vampires. they do not want a lot of people who know. then, Isabella Swan confused, why edward few days have not emerged. okay, got here just because it is told very long. oh ya, pray that I be given the opportunity to watch the Breaking Dawn, continued episodes of The Eclipse. but, actually, I know the story. I just want to watch and see the pictures. hehe. was a clear story about Bella and Edward's child. In this movie, they're married! Wow!
holiday !
3 days again ! i will go to Balikpapan ! yey! i can not wait. I hope this time the most fun vacations than ever! this time for Idul Fitri holidays, which makes me even happier, would meet all my extended family. hehe :D
i like that :D
hey ! welcome to my Blog . now,i want to tell you about my life. first, i very very love the story about Twilight, New Moon , The Eclipse, and BREAKING DAWN ! :) heem,maybe someone ask me, why I really like the movie? because the story is Good ! and i like the artist, too.. thank you ;)
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