Hal yang SANGAT MELELAHKAN pada diri bayi.
1. apa yang dia mau harus diikuti,kalo ga, bisa nangis.
2. Ga peduli mau itu bahaya apa ga,yang penting harus diikuti. kalo dia udah kena bahayanya,sama aja nangis!
3. capeek gendongnyaaa -___-
4. Paling susaaah tiduuur.. maunyaa geraaak teruus.
5. kalo makan,pasti dilepeh.
6. maunya jalan-jalan terus!
7. sering nangis .
8. kalo kita jaga,terus ibunya ga ada,bakalan teriak-teriak..
9. selalu ngelempar barang yang abis dia pegang,kalo ga,diemuut.
Tapi,ada POSITIF nya jugaaa :
1. dia LUCU :)
2. dia pintar.
3. kalo ketawa lucu.
4. aku suka liat bayi tidur.
5. enak diajak main,jadi ga bosen.
6. kalo ada teriakannya,ga bakal sepi.
aku belajar semua itu,dari keponakanku. aku sama sepupuku yang namanya Diba ngejagain dia. ini loh wajahnyaa :))
ehehe lucuu bangeet :-))
namanya : Arimbi Shafa Aulia Nahla. panggilannya Bimbi :D
udah ya,dadah Blody :P
About me :)
- Miranda Shaqilla Antareztha
- School at YPK JHS. 141197. I love my family and my friend ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ follow my blog. hehe Thanks :D
Senin, 13 September 2010
Sabtu, 04 September 2010
hasiik :D
heei Blody ! (wave)
im comeback ! :p
why the title "hasiik"?
this answer :
first, because I've arrived at Balikpapan! * Yeeah *
second., I now have at my cousin's house and hanging out with my sisters:)
Third, almost all my tasks completed.
Fourth, I finally met with my male cousins are cute >, <
Fifth, I fasted for the first time in my cousin's house.
sixth, on 6 september my sister came from Semarang
seventh, my cousin wanted to accompany me to the Gramedia to buy the book Breaking Dawn :)
im comeback ! :p
why the title "hasiik"?
this answer :
first, because I've arrived at Balikpapan! * Yeeah *
second., I now have at my cousin's house and hanging out with my sisters:)
Third, almost all my tasks completed.
Fourth, I finally met with my male cousins are cute >, <
Fifth, I fasted for the first time in my cousin's house.
sixth, on 6 september my sister came from Semarang
seventh, my cousin wanted to accompany me to the Gramedia to buy the book Breaking Dawn :)
Kamis, 02 September 2010
i want..
oh my god ! Robert Pattinson ! why are you always on my mind ? you are very perfect,handsome,you are cute, and cool. hihi :D Taylor Lautner !! I also wanted to meet youuu.. You are so handsome,cool,and romantic. *Like never see it :p * but im serious ! Kristen Stewart,i want to speak 4 words,for you. "Im a Your Fan :) " that is really ! For You, Ashley Greene , i'm amazed by your strength,your beauty,and you have a good voice :) as well,as a cool hairstyle *i very very like it! * really , i want to watch a movie that's 4th from the Twilight Saga,Breaking Dawn !! yeeaah ! okay,i know i very hysteric because
oh my god ! Robert Pattinson ! why are you always on my mind ? you are very perfect,handsome,you are cute, and cool. hihi :D Taylor Lautner !! I also wanted to meet youuu.. You are so handsome,cool,and romantic. *Like never see it :p * but im serious ! Kristen Stewart,i want to speak 4 words,for you. "Im a Your Fan :) " that is really ! For You, Ashley Greene , i'm amazed by your strength,your beauty,and you have a good voice :) as well,as a cool hairstyle *i very very like it! * really , i want to watch a movie that's 4th from the Twilight Saga,Breaking Dawn !! yeeaah ! okay,i know i very hysteric because
Rabu, 01 September 2010
alhamdulillah :D
JENG JENG JENG~~~ saya balik lagii.. hehe
HAI BLODY ! saya mau cerita lagi nih,heheh
sebenarnya aku agak pusing sih ya, tpi gapapa deh ! demi aku mau ngeluarin isi hatiku *apadeh* tadi ,barusaan aja selesai buka brsamanya, bnyk juga loh yang ikut tpi cowoknya cuma 7. heem. ga rame bgt ! apalagi cowknya ga ada komunikasinya ma cewk (annoyed) tapi aku ngerasa seruseru aja kok,CEWEKNYA yang seru :p okey,dari awal yaa story2 nyaa. pertama,kita ngumpul dlu sekalian nunggu yg lain soalnya kalo makan dlu kan puasa hahaha *sebenernya sih ya,ga patut tertawa* lalu kita foto pke kameranya Aqila :) *ini bagian yang aku suka* hahaha . trus trus trus ituu, udh bnyk deh yang datang. lalu seruling khas Bontang dibunyikan *ceileh* kita makaan deeh ! pokoknya ngobrol ngobrol ngobrol dan ngobrol *biasalah ceweek getooh* kemudian kita sholat maghrib bru kita makan besar *yaaah yg nasi" itu loocch(alaay)* eeh ngomong" soal alay nih ya,tadi itu aku lebay bgt tauuk. tapi tau ga aku lebay kenapa? aku lebay itu karena BENTUK DARI RASA SAYANGKU SAMA TEMEN" SD KU DLU, AKU KESENANGAN KEGIRANGAN SEHINGGA MENIMBULKAN PERILAKU LEBAY *apadeeh* :) :) :) :) heeehehe.. heem, pulangnya aku, Aqila , sma Rosa *kitaa selalu bertiga dari duluuu :) * ke koprasi,nyari minuum. akhirnya kita pulang deeh.
IDK :p
capek,pangen bind aja. oke,ntar sore jam 5 aku mau Buka Bersama sm anak-anak alumni ke-2 asyamil (YEEY!) dibilang ga sabar,eem ga tuh,biasa aja. dibilang males,ga juga. yaaah,biasa-biasa ajaa. eh aku mau ngasih tau namamu nih, namamu sekarang BLODY ! haha yaaa, oh iya Blody, aku brusan liat blog punya "dia" looh :p kereen juga yaah blognyaaa. ah "dia" sih udh lama punya blognyaaa. ntar lagi aku juga bakal gitu HAHAHAHA *ketawa setan* eits,tapi aku bukan setaan. hanya menyerupai (?) maksudnya menyerupai ketawanyaaa. *gitu aja bangga* hehe. oh iya, singkatan dari namamu itu adlaah : Blog Diary, hehe *gacuul* eh doain saya yah mudahan ntar sore lancar dan seru *amiinn* eh aku tuh pengen loh bwa motor sendiri ke tmpt itu, tp malees e... *hadeeh ga penting* oke deh. sampe sini ajaa dluu, bye bye BLODYYYYY (wave) :)
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